Day of Action Garners Incredible Legislative Support

February 22, 2019

Thank your legislators for signing on!

Our Day of Action at the State House in January was a huge success. Since the event, 105 legislators have signed on to support hands-free use of cellphones while driving. This is truly amazing and due in large part to all of your meetings, phone calls, and e-mails. We are so grateful for your efforts and honored to work beside you to make our roads safer.

Click here to view a list of every legislator who signed on in support of the hands-free bill. If your legislators are co-sponsors, thank them today! See the script below for some ideas of what to write or say.

Thank you again for your continued support and efforts to end distracted driving. We’re one step closer.


To: Your State Senator and Representative

Recommended email subject: Thank you for supporting Hands-Free MA!

Dear [your legislator],

I am writing to thank you for your support on legislation that promotes traffic safety in Massachusetts. Because of your leadership, we have the opportunity to make our roads safer and prevent traffic deaths.

[Talk about why this issue matters to you, how their support affects you]

Thank you again for your support.

[full name

street address

city/town, state, zip



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