GetLiving: Tweet or Treat

October 2, 2019

This month's initiative helps you to create healthy social media habits for fall and beyond!

This month, reward yourself for staying off your guiltiest phone pleasures with real-life pleasures. If you’re an Insta-Addict, try and stay off for the day. If you're big into Snapchat, you could turn off notifications. If you achieve your goal, give yourself a prize! Maybe a 15-minute study break, a walk with the dog, a cookie, or a much-needed power nap.

A good way to figure out which app you need to target is to head back to your ScreenTime or Digital Wellbeing reports. See what social medium you're using most frequently, and use that data to help make the decision about what the "Tweet" in your Tweet or Treat is! With family, friends, and classmates, you can establish group goals as well as a group treat—maybe a basket of candy or homework passes from an awesome teacher. Check-in with your GetLiving squad at the end of each week, see you you did, and cash in on that reward.

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